Saturday, June 14, 2008

A Greener Me - The Introduction

I never thought I'd be a blogger.

I've recently become a Planet Green junkie. My favorite show is "Wasted". After watching the show I started thinking about my own carbon footprint. It's pretty scary to think what I'm doing to the planet. I decided that I was going to be more conscious about my lifestyle and the choices that I make.

I'm an apartment dweller so there's some definite disadvantages to living green. I don't have the option to install solar panels on my roof or install a solar hot water heater. Purchasing 'Energy Star' appliances isn't really an option for me either. Rather than throw my hands up in the air asking "what can I do?" I decided to find out what I can really do to make a difference given my current circumstances.

Aside from the usual things like turning off lights when I'm not in a room and adjusting my heat and A/C there must be more I can do. The purpose of this blog is to document my findings, adjust my actions and share them with anyone that's interested. I'm not looking to change the world, I'm just looking to change me. I have absolutely no intention of forcing my views and opinions on anyone else but I sincerely hope that others will share their suggestions of living green with me.

Americans account for 5% of the world's population yet consume nearly a quarter of the world's resources. I find this appalling. You may not. If you're of like mind and/or are looking to change the course of things I invite you to share your ideas and suggestions with me. You may or may not be able to change the world but there's a good chance you'll be able to change this American.

I hope that my efforts here will at least offer an interesting diary of one individual's attempt to tread more lightly on the planet that we all share.

I guess I'm a blogger now.


nothing but the truth said...

Hello I have started an environmentally friendly business and forum that may be of interest to you and your readers.
The business is Find A Green Store, a directory for companies with a green conscious. It is free for companies to list. It started in May and now has 106 links for the conscios consumer.

The categories include clothing, home, children, cleaning products, alternative energy, news and foundations, with a total of 16 categories

I also started a forum, Greener Biz on Collective X for the above mentioned companies to share and find resources and information pertaining to a green business.

Greener Biz is a free alternative to the traditional networking at large conferences that costs hundreds to attend and can be difficult to get to if your business is not in a large metropolitan area. As a small business owner with limited funding I needed some way to connect with other like minded individuals without the expense.

I would love to get more exposure for the forum, so more companies can join and gain networking and informative tools to become successful.

If you are so inclined to write about my business and the forum, that would be wonderful and I would happily answer any questions you have.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you, Leah Oviedo

snu said...


I gave a quick look at your website. I will make some time to look at it more closely. Although I applaud your efforts I’ve come to realize that re-localization is becoming important. By purchasing products and services that are within our own communities we are reducing transportation costs and our dependence on imported products and services.

I was just discussing the importance of symbiotic relationships with businesses within our own communities with someone just last night. My example was an organic farmer which sold to a local restaurant. The restaurant would purchase from the farmer who would collect the organic waste from the restaurant and compost it for fertilizer for the farm.

Is there any chance you might include a feature that would allow people to look for environmentally friendly businesses within their own communities?
